Ben and Gwen arrive in Incarceon to tell Morgg that Ultimate Kevin is going to kill him. Morgg ignores their warning and has his robots take them to a room to stay in until a supply ship picks them up. Meanwhile, while the prisoners are still mining, Ultimate Kevin flashes back to the last time […]
Loading the player... Due to a meteor impacting the planet, Courage and his owners are hurled a thousand years into a future inhabited by banana people.
After playing with a price tagging gun at a supermarket, Cow and Chicken are purchased by the Red Guy.
While searching for Clam-League 9000 toys, Johnny works with an environmentalist named Debbie to save fishes.
20,000 Patties Under the Sea: SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs turn an old submarine into a mobile Krusty Krab. Not to be undone by his competitor’s new gimmick, Plankton responds with his own traveling Chum Bucket, and the two rival restaurants engage in an undersea battle complete with torpedoes, a giant sea monster and chum.
Tom and Butch are claim jumpers in the 19th century at a Sutter’s Mill, scheming to steal gold from Jerry’s claim.
Dexter decides to work with Mandark, but finds himself doing all of the work. In the end, Mandark tries to press the button when Dexter connects the plug in the outlet to bring his show title back.
Loading the player... Wasp and the Avengers meet Captain Marvel and team up with him to stop a Kree Sentry from destroying the planet.
When his television show is interrupted by the Emergency Broadcast System, Dexter sets about fixing any emergencies in the neighborhood to make the signal go away.
The Riddler torments Booster Gold and Batman. Later, Batman bears witness to the creation of Firestorm. Unfortunately, in the explosion, Batman is divided into three different aspects of himself.
Loading the player... When the local river floods Nowhere, Courage must locate the source of the disaster. When it turns out that a beaver’s dam is causing it, Courage helps the beaver follow his dreams rather than build dams.
In an attempt to get a date with a beautiful dog-loving chick, Johnny adopts a pet emu, which proves to be more than he bargained for.
When Dexter neglects his metal-eating pet bug, it begins eating his lab as revenge.
Mandark’s birth and origins as the child of hippies are revealed, as is the beginning of his rivalry with Dexter and the cause of his villainy.
Someone has put a hit out on Gotham’s toughest cop, Harvey Bullock. After surviving several near misses, Bullock realizes he has no choice but to ask his arch-rival Batman to help him discover who is behind the murder attempts. During their investigation, Bullock learns that his gruff and mean-spirited manner has created enemies in the […]
Bugs is taken advantage of by Elmer Fudd and is too afraid to tell. The babies resort to befriending instead of payback.
Sandy, Karen, and Mrs. Puff invite Pearl to go camping. Pearl brings SpongeBob along to prank them, but he gets lost in the woods. Meanwhile, the girls tell Pearl a scary story that turns out to be true.
Bunny and Suzy enter a baking contest, but after Bunny accidentally injures herself playing football, Johnny has to take her place. Unfortunately, Johnny loses the recipe by accident.
During a visit to Salem, Massachusetts, Charmcaster attacks in an attempt to magically switch bodies with Ben to attain the great powers of the Omnitrix, but Gwen interferes, causing Charmcaster to switch with her instead. Gwen is punched out by Charmcaster before she can explain anything, and is then arrested and sent to juvie. Charmcaster […]
When the overwhelming heat zaps everyone’s enthusiasm for Christmas, Lola decides to stage a production of A Christmas Carol to renew the town’s holiday spirit and the fact that the local theater has air conditioning where she casts Bugs, Porky, Speedy, Yosemite Sam, and the Gophers in her play. However, Lola instead of following the […]
Everyone cleans up after themselves before nap time except for lazy Daffy. Daffy’s biggest mess puts his and the others’ visit to the park at stake.
The gang’s beach party is interrupted by a ghost in a glowing deep sea-diving suit, who they think is connected with the disappearance of several yachts. The mystery leads the gang underwater, to a bay known as “The Graveyard of Ships” where they run into the ghostly diver again.
Chicken and Earl compete against Flem and the Red Guy in a figure skating contest. Unfortunately, when Earl is left injured, Chicken tries to find another way to win.
Dad decides to give the car a retouch, but keeps breaking things and saying he will fix it later. After having enough, he pushes the car over a cliff, and below it are other crushed cars, meaning this was not the first time.