Blue Beetle
Batman and Enemy Ace stop aliens interfering in the past. Later, Aquaman takes his family on vacation and must resist his desire to fight crime.
Batman goes to see the man who ordered his parents’ death to find out who he sent. But he dies before he could. At the same time Phantom Stranger and Spectre are battling as to whether Batman should be a force for justice or vengeance. So they help him find out who the man is […]
While the Justice Society is visiting the Justice League for the first time, Batman is in Asia infiltrating a secret fortress where Ra’s Al Ghul is plotting a new scheme for world domination
Batman, Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters go to a planet ruled by an oppressive dictator, who has designs on Earth. When they go there, they discover the inhabitants are too afraid to stand up to the dictator. And their lack of hope weakens, the Fighters’ leader Uncle Sam. The team and Batman are captured. […]
The threat of an impending invasion from Apokolips compels Batman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter to form a new Justice League.
The Blue Beetle is determined to learn the fate of his predecessor, Ted Kord.
After his evil counterpart from an alternate dimension undertakes a crime spree disguised as him, Batman finds help from an unexpected ally.
After taking care of Sportsmaster with the Blue Beetle, Batman teams up with Red Tornado in order to stop the villain Fun Haus from ruining Christmas.
The Music Meister uses his ability to control minds in an effort to take over the world.
While on the trail of mobsters Babyface and Mrs. Manface, Blue Beetle develops a crush on the sultry Huntress.
Captain Atom joins the Justice League, but has to learn how to continue being a super hero even after losing his powers to his old enemy Major Force.
The Challengers of the Unknown go to the island and are exposed to Starro. Later, Blue Beetle runs into trouble on Oa when the Green Lantern Corp try to arrest him for possessing the scarab.
Bat-Ape rescues Batman and Robin from Catwoman. Later, Batman is bitten by a vampire and turns on his friends in the Justice League International.
After a battle with Two-Face, Batman and Dr. Fate must deal with Equinox who is attempting to replace both the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos.
Batman decides to propose to Catwoman. He passes the mantle of Batman to Dick Grayson (Robin). Batman and Catwoman have a son whom they name Damian. Bruce Wayne hopes Damian will follow his footsteps. One day, they are attacked by a new Joker and Bruce and Selena are killed. Dick vows to get him for […]
When Captain Marvel’s enemies Black Adam and Dr Sivana team up, Marvel enlists Batman to aid him.
Batman and the Blue Beetle attempt to stop an asteroid but end up on a distant planet fighting Kanjar Ro.
Led by Faceless Hunter, the Starro Invasion comes on full swing. Only Batman and a handful of unlikely heroes remain uninfected to thwart the alien parasites and their mind-controlled hosts before all of Earth is sucked dry.
Star Conqueror may be defeated, but Faceless Hunter is not! The alien warrior manipulates B’Wana Beast, forcing him to combine thetiny starros into one massive beast he plans to use to destroy the planet! But Batman has his own back-up – the Metal Men!
The Creeper cheers on and helps Batman when he’s fighting Hellgrammite. Then, the Justice League International travels to the past to stop the minions of Equinox from wiping out all the incarnations of Batman throughout time.