During a visit to Salem, Massachusetts, Charmcaster attacks in an attempt to magically switch bodies with Ben to attain the great powers of the Omnitrix, but Gwen interferes, causing Charmcaster to switch with her instead. Gwen is punched out by Charmcaster before she can explain anything, and is then arrested and sent to juvie. Charmcaster […]
The Tennysons pick up the grandson of another Plumber, Cooper Daniels, who is hitching a ride home with them. Meanwhile, a Plumber base within the bullion depository at Fort Knox is robbed by the Circus Freaks and Sublimino. By the time the Tennysons find out, they are too late to help. They soon learn of […]
Ben, Gwen, and Max, along with Cooper, use the Plumbers’ Mount Rushmore installation to mount a final stand against the Forever King’s forces. Max discovers that the Forever King was once a plumber named Driscoll who was kicked out after hoarding alien technology. Despite their best efforts, they are unable to keep Driscoll from obtaining […]
Darkstar romantically charms Charmcaster and uses her abilities to absorb energy from Ledgerdomain itself. Meanwhile, Gwen and Kevin have a disagreement over the protection of one of her spellbooks.
Growing weak with old age, Hex is seeking out something to make him stay young. At the same time, Max is having difficulties with his aging body, so he decides to impress his grand-kids at a fair to show them he’s not as elderly as he seems. At the dunking game Max challenged them to, […]
With the help of Hex, Gwen and the gang set out to rescue Charmcaster from her home world of Ledgerdomain. However, they are shocked to learn that Charmcaster’s intentions bode ill for them all.
After Ben’s secret identity is revealed, a bunch of his old enemies start attacking his family as a method of revenge.
Loading the player... Charmcaster returns and gets Kevin to help her to defeat Gwen.
Ben fails to defeat the extradimensional Diagon, who proceeds to destroy Sir George by electrocuting him with dark lightning. Vilgax returns, capturing Diagon by Psyphon’s power-absorbing machine. Psyphon proceeds to transfer Diagon’s power to Vilgax, making the galactic conqueror into a nearly-unstoppable force. Ben wields George’s supremely powerful sword, Ascalon, and uses it to drain […]
Loading the player... Gwen goes back in time to stop the Omnitrix experiment from ever happening while causing disasters in the present time.
Gwen dons her Lucky Girl costume again upon finding the mystical Keystone of Bezel at a convention in Las Vegas. Rather than good luck, the Keystone greatly strengthens all of Gwen’s natural abilities to superhuman levels and granting her superhuman agility, enhanced reflexes, and durability. At the same time, Hex is busted out of prison […]
The group is chasing Aggregor, who runs toward a door and shouts an incantation. The door glows symbols and opens to a world that looks like it is full of mana. Unfortunately, Four Arms wasn’t strong enough to keep the door open, and it closes. After Four Arms transforms back into normal, Ben remembers the […]