Dana Tan
Terry, having just started to work for Bruce Wayne, faces off against Inque, a notorious shapeshifting mercenary who is sabotaging FoxTeca, a company formed by Lucius Fox’s son.
Terry must deal with both his rejection by his girlfriend, Dana, and a group of Bruce’s old enemies, the Royal Flush Gang, who pattern themselves after playing card ranks. Things look up for Terry when he meets a girl named Melanie who seems to share his problems.
Batman gets involved when a friend of Terry’s and her adoptive father are haunted by eerie, man-shaped creatures made out of soil, and soon learns that they have a frightening connection to the girl’s biological father, who was thought to have perished in a nuclear accident.
Willie Watt, a high school nerd who has been picked on one too many times, steals a construction robot from his father to scare his chief tormentor, Nelson Nash. But when Batman tries to stop the robot, it becomes bonded to Willie mentally, giving him more power than he ever dreamed of.
After Inque’s latest employer betrays her and blasts her with an experimental weapon that causes her body to slowly dissolve, she is forced to turn to someone whom she has not seen in years: her daughter.
Terry must fight the Batsuit when it is taken over by the virtual soul of dead communications tycoon Robert Vance, a man who has literally become a “ghost in the machine”. Without the aid of the suit, he must save the man’s grandson from becoming a vessel for Vance’s virtual brain.
Wayne-Powers builds a new body for Victor Fries, better known as Batman’s opponent Mr. Freeze, in the hope that a similar treatment might reverse Derek Powers’ transformation into Blight. Seemingly cured of his need for extreme cold, Fries tries to redeem himself, but neither the former Batman, Bruce Wayne, nor his former victims completely trust […]
Dana, who feels she has been ignored and let down by Terry once too often, begins receiving roses from a secret admirer. When she is abducted by the mystery man, a boy named Patrick Fitz who lives in the sewers because of his rat-like appearance, Batman may be the only one who can save her.
In 2019, Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, retires due to failing health when his rescue of a kidnapped woman nearly goes wrong and he must resort to almost using a gun—the ultimate sin in his eyes. Twenty years later in 2039, Terrence “Terry” McGinnis discovers Batman’s identity after the aging Bruce Wayne helps him fight […]
Terry steals the Batsuit to pursue his father’s killer, a professional bodyguard named Mr. Fixx (George Takei), whose employer, Derek Powers (Sherman Howard), the current CEO of Wayne-Powers, is secretly using the company’s resources to develop a biological weapon. Bruce Wayne, discovering the theft, deactivates the suit, but when seeing the now-helpless Terry being punched […]
A new body modification trend called splicing, combining human DNA with that of animals, is taking Neo-Gotham’s fashion world by storm. While the DA wishes to have it completely outlawed as it is causing a rise in aggressive behavior, Dr. Abel Cuvier, the creator of the process, insists that the procedure is safe. However Batman […]
Howard Groote, a hopeless nerd, purchases an illegal android in the form of a beautiful girl to pose as his girlfriend. His plan soon backfires when “Cynthia”, programmed to be completely devoted to Howard, becomes dangerously possessive.
Terry is forced to take a computer-simulated “baby” with him everywhere—even as Batman—in order to make the grade in Family Studies. Meanwhile, a family of jewel thieves are plying their trade around Neo-Gotham, stealing priceless rubies.
“Slappers”, illegal steroid patches containing the drug Venom, are all the rage with Hill High School’s athletes, and Bruce suspects that one of his old enemies, Bane, may have a hand in their production. However Terry finds that Bane has become a withered old man due to his constant use of the poisonous drug and […]
A holomorphic military android has been reported to have gone rogue, and Terry needs to find him before he kills someone. But has the android really gone rogue, or has he just gained a conscience? This episode leads into the spin-off series The Zeta Project.