Plastic Man
After a team up with Space Ghost and his companions, Batman must come to the aid of three of his fellow superheroes who have fallen into the icy clutches of Mr. Freeze.
Batman, Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters go to a planet ruled by an oppressive dictator, who has designs on Earth. When they go there, they discover the inhabitants are too afraid to stand up to the dictator. And their lack of hope weakens, the Fighters’ leader Uncle Sam. The team and Batman are captured. […]
Batman and Captain Marvel deal with Blockbuster. Later, Mogul forces Batman to races both heroes and villains with the fate of the world at stake.
After his evil counterpart from an alternate dimension undertakes a crime spree disguised as him, Batman finds help from an unexpected ally.
Atom and Aquaman shrink down and enter Batman’s body in order to help him fight off a chemical infection.
Batman and Plastic Man team up to save some scouts. Later, the two have must deal with Rubberneck and Kite Man who are targeting Plastic Man’s family in a scheme for revenge.
The Music Meister uses his ability to control minds in an effort to take over the world.
Batman and Vigilante have a run in with some villains. Later Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man, and Green Arrow try to fill in when Batmen is injured.
Robin, Speedy, and Aqualad team up to earn respect and stop Ra’s Al Ghul from attacking the world.
Batman and Plastic Man must stop Gorilla Grodd from using a machine that will turn all humans into primates.
After a battle with Two-Face, Batman and Dr. Fate must deal with Equinox who is attempting to replace both the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos.
When Captain Marvel’s enemies Black Adam and Dr Sivana team up, Marvel enlists Batman to aid him.
Led by Faceless Hunter, the Starro Invasion comes on full swing. Only Batman and a handful of unlikely heroes remain uninfected to thwart the alien parasites and their mind-controlled hosts before all of Earth is sucked dry.
Star Conqueror may be defeated, but Faceless Hunter is not! The alien warrior manipulates B’Wana Beast, forcing him to combine thetiny starros into one massive beast he plans to use to destroy the planet! But Batman has his own back-up – the Metal Men!
After the world’s greatest baseball game against the Legion of Doom, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman face off against their arch-enemies Joker, Lex Luthor and Cheetah, who gain the upper hand by switching their respective opponents.