The Jokerz
When Ace goes missing, Bruce remembers the origin of his pet canine. Terry discovers an underground dog fighting organization.
Terry, having just started to work for Bruce Wayne, faces off against Inque, a notorious shapeshifting mercenary who is sabotaging FoxTeca, a company formed by Lucius Fox’s son.
The Stalker, a cybernetically enhanced big-game hunter, comes to Neo-Gotham seeking what he believes is the only prey left on Earth worthy of his skills: Batman.
Zeta returns to Neo-Gotham City to look for his creator, but falls into the clutches of Mad Stan, who turns him into a walking time-bomb. Batman and Ro must track Zeta down before time runs out.
Terry is sent to Bruce’s old friend Kairi Tanaka to brush up on his combat skills, and inadvertently befriends the heir-apparent to the criminal organization KOBRA.
Willie Watt, a high school nerd who has been picked on one too many times, steals a construction robot from his father to scare his chief tormentor, Nelson Nash. But when Batman tries to stop the robot, it becomes bonded to Willie mentally, giving him more power than he ever dreamed of.
The brilliant leader of a crew of Jokerz plots revenge against Max Gibson, a fellow student who outperforms him at school. Terry’s efforts to help her are complicated by her efforts to find out the true identity of Batman, whom she is convinced is a student at school, and her erroneous conclusion that Terry is […]
A group of Jokerz steals a prototype military vehicle and goes on a rampage of destruction, while Batman and the vehicle’s designer try to recover the machine before its malfunctioning reactor goes critical and turns it into a flying bomb.
The Royal Flush Gang’s Ten returns on a mission to rescue her family, who have been captured by the Jokerz. When Melanie approaches Terry for help, he is forced to decide whether or not to put his relationship with Dana at risk, and if Batman can really trust Ten.
In 2019, Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, retires due to failing health when his rescue of a kidnapped woman nearly goes wrong and he must resort to almost using a gun—the ultimate sin in his eyes. Twenty years later in 2039, Terrence “Terry” McGinnis discovers Batman’s identity after the aging Bruce Wayne helps him fight […]
“Slappers”, illegal steroid patches containing the drug Venom, are all the rage with Hill High School’s athletes, and Bruce suspects that one of his old enemies, Bane, may have a hand in their production. However Terry finds that Bane has become a withered old man due to his constant use of the poisonous drug and […]