Batman: The Brave and the Bold
The Riddler torments Booster Gold and Batman. Later, Batman bears witness to the creation of Firestorm. Unfortunately, in the explosion, Batman is divided into three different aspects of himself.
Batman and Enemy Ace stop aliens interfering in the past. Later, Aquaman takes his family on vacation and must resist his desire to fight crime.
Bat-Mite hosts a series of Batman’s most bizarre adventures including the Mad Magazine-inspired Batboy and Rubin, a Japanese-influenced Bat-Manga and a guest starring role from the Scooby Gang and Weird Al Yankovic.
When Superman is affected by Red Kryptonite he becomes a super jerk. Batman must stop him from destroying his reputation and more.
After a team up with Space Ghost and his companions, Batman must come to the aid of three of his fellow superheroes who have fallen into the icy clutches of Mr. Freeze.
Batman goes to see the man who ordered his parents’ death to find out who he sent. But he dies before he could. At the same time Phantom Stranger and Spectre are battling as to whether Batman should be a force for justice or vengeance. So they help him find out who the man is […]
When Batman battles Chemo, he is aided by the Metal Men. After the battle, he deduces that they were created by William Magnus. He joins them at Magnus’ plant. Later they’re attacked by living gas who take Magnus. Batman along with the Metal Men try to find him. They eventually find him and learn who […]
While the Justice Society is visiting the Justice League for the first time, Batman is in Asia infiltrating a secret fortress where Ra’s Al Ghul is plotting a new scheme for world domination
Batman, Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters go to a planet ruled by an oppressive dictator, who has designs on Earth. When they go there, they discover the inhabitants are too afraid to stand up to the dictator. And their lack of hope weakens, the Fighters’ leader Uncle Sam. The team and Batman are captured. […]
The threat of an impending invasion from Apokolips compels Batman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter to form a new Justice League.
Trapped in a coffin, Batman must take astral form in order to stop the Gentleman Ghost from raising an army of the criminal undead.
After teaming up with Guy Gardner, Batman travels into the past with Green Arrow to stop Morgaine Le Fay from conquering Camelot.
Batman and Captain Marvel deal with Blockbuster. Later, Mogul forces Batman to races both heroes and villains with the fate of the world at stake.
The Red Hood, a hero from an alternate dimension, enlists the Dark Knight’s help against the Injustice Syndicate, a team of supervillains who are doppelgangers of Batman’s friends back home.
Plucked from time by Mongul, Jonah Hex brings Batman to Warworld to fight in gladiatorial competitions.
Fifth-dimensional fan boy Bat-Mite inadvertently gives Joker his limitless power while hoping to witness a hero-villain showdown.
Batman and Wildcat face off against a trio of super-powered teenagers who are attacking symbols of consumerism.
Batman visits Aquaman during an investigation into some unusual seismic activity. There he discovers that Aquaman’s brother Orm is working with Black Manta to conquer Atlantis.
The Blue Beetle is determined to learn the fate of his predecessor, Ted Kord.
Batman teams up with DC characters Adam Strange, the Flash, ‘Mazing Man and the Creature Commandos in four separate teaser vignettes.
After his evil counterpart from an alternate dimension undertakes a crime spree disguised as him, Batman finds help from an unexpected ally.
Batman and Spectre deal with Dr. Milo. Later, Batman and Detective Chimp enlist Vixen and B’wana Beast in order to battle a conspiracy of ape villains: Gorilla Grodd, Gorilla Boss, and Monsieur Mallah.
The robotic superhero Red Tornado builds a “son” named Tornado Champion, but Batman’s concerns are realized when the new robot turns itself into a villain named Tornado Tyrant.
Batman and Green Arrow team up to retrieve a pair of statues stolen by Catwoman. Later, Batman tries to free the Outsiders from one of Psycho Pirate’s machines.