I Am Weasel
Weasel tries to settle a dispute between a group of trees and those that hurt them (notably I.R. Baboon).
Weasel’s theory on monkeys typing Shakespeare goes wrong when almost every monkey involved walks out on him. However, he sees hope in the form of I.R. Baboon, who writes a book entitled “A Troo Storee”, despite the fact that it lowers peoples’ I.Q. level.
Based on Batman, I.R. Baboon is the hero known as Baboon Man, whereas Weasel is his sidekick, Weasel Boy.
Weasel and I.R. are sent back to repeat the 4th Grade, in which they would go to the same school as Cow and Chicken.
Weasel sets forth to rescue three children and Captain I.R. Baboon from their sinking bathysphere.
Weasel and I.R. end up stranded on an island made entirely of confectioneries (i.e., chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes, etc.).
I.R. creates a disease which transforms people into amoebas, leaving it up to Weasel to clean this mess up.
Weasel creates a device that controls peoples’ sleeping patterns, and decides to use it in order to help give the public their ability to dream again.
A poetic I.R. attempts to get a driving license, with Weasel being his instructor.
Best friends turned enemies, Weasel and I.R. look back to when they attended a camp where they were trained to become arch enemies.
Weasel and Baboon are on an expedition to capture a wild, dim-witted savage named Fred. When they manage to capture him, Weasel, however, cannot understand his unusual language.
I.R.’s Christmas celebrations go wrong when his family are thawed out at Weasel’s pent-house.
Weasel and I.R. simultaneously tell their psychiatrist (The Red Guy) about each other’s mishaps.
I.R. Baboon is jealous over his neighbor, Weasel, because he has a better life, job, and family (married to a beautiful Hispanic woman with half-weasel children) than him. However, when he’s invited over to Weasel’s house for a barbecue, I.R. tries to impress him with his own “family” (his pretend marriage to a pantsless woman, […]
Weasel attempts to save the lives of 5 French-Canadian beavers from being held at saw-point by two surfers.
Weasel is an aircraft pilot, with I.R. as his co-pilot. Their job is to bring passengers upstream because of a dam, created by beavers, getting in the way. However, things go wrong when there’s too much weight aboard.
Weasel and Baboon are cavemen living back in the prehistoric times, while Weasel tries to invent new products to create the future.
Weasel and I.R. star in Louie B. Bare’s (the Red Guy as a parody of Louis B. Mayer) “original” cartoon that actually contains classic cartoon clichés.
Weasel tries to help provide a good source for people with a severe crying syndrome.
Weasel and I.R. concoct life, but the red-butt baboon soon becomes jealous when Weasel’s world evolves faster than his.
Based on the story of Frankenstein, Weasel is a mad scientist, whereas I.R. is his assistant.
Weasel and I.R. run one of the best hair salons around. However, the hair police (The Red Guy) soon has a look into this in an attempt to shut them down.