Teen Titans
Slade sends a newly-transformed Terra to attack the Teen Titans. Unable to defeat her, the Titans retreat and regroup, planning to break Slade’s grip on Terra. Terra frees Cinderblock, Overload and Plasmus from prison and, through Slade, disperses them throughout the city to take down the Titans. This turns out to be a decoy to […]
With the Titans seemingly gone, Slade has taken control of the city, but the Titans don’t go down so easily. They unleash payback on Terra for betraying them to join Slade, which leaves her feeling broken inside more than ever before. Regretting every action since her betrayal, she begs Beast Boy to finish her off […]
Slade threatens to stop time in the city with a Chronoton Detonator. While searching for the device, Robin, on edge about a nightmare he had just before the mission, attacks everything in sight, including an innocent bystander. After violently sneezing, Starfire, allergic to metallic chromium – a component of the detonator – unwittingly becomes a […]
Blackmailed into becoming Slade’s apprentice, Robin becomes an enemy of the Titans, to their surprise. When faced with the opportunity to blast Starfire, Robin freezes, causing Slade to activate the probes. Catching on to the ruse, the Titans find Robin at Slade’s headquarters. When Slade reactivates the probes, Robin touches the machine controlling the probes […]
Terra and Beast Boy go out on a date during the night while the tower is under siege by Slade’s minions. Slade then interrupts the date and shows Beast Boy where Terra’s loyalties lie.
Starfire is called upon to her home planet of Tamaran to be married to create peace among her planet, only to find Blackfire as the Grand Ruler and her groom to be an unsightly alien from a distant planet. The Titans become suspicious and soon discover that there’s more to Blackfire’s plan than she let […]
Raven’s birthday approaches, but she has no interest in celebrating it, wanting the day to pass. The Titans throw her a surprise birthday party, but Raven shuts it down, destroying the decorations. When the Titans respond to an alert, the face off against Slade, who has acquired new powers and has a message from Raven’s […]
The Titans are drawn into Mumbo’s magic hat and turns the Titans into various animals, with the exception of Beast Boy who is turned into inanimate objects.
As the Teen Titans return to Jump City, the Brotherhood of Evil get ready for their final attack. When the Brotherhood of Evil make their move, the Teen Titans have begun recruiting young superheroes. As the ultimate battle between the Titans and the Brotherhood of Evil begins, Robin has a strategy of his own.
Beast Boy gives Starfire his pet Silkie – one of Killer Moth’s silkworms from their last battle – and she begins bonding with it. When Silkie grows too big, Starfire gets rid of him and inadvertently sends him back to Killer Moth.
Cyborg goes on a chase for his newly finished T-Car after its stolen by Cash and Sammy and entered into the race. After winning the race, Gizmo, one of the contestants in the race, takes the car and leaves Cash and Sammy in a bubble. Cyborg, with the help of a sympathetic Raven, tracks down […]
Beast Boy uses Cyborg’s circuitry to play a video game but accidentally releases a virus that makes him delusional and hungry. The Titans call upon tech villain Gizmo to destroy the virus affecting Cyborg. Beast Boy, feeling guilty about his mistake, joins Gizmo in destroying the virus core while facing off against the drones and […]
Cyborg is accidentally thrown five thousand years into the past, and by coincidence comes to the aid of a young woman named Sarasim, whose tribe is under attack by a horde of gruesome creatures. While simultaneously becoming the tribe’s savior, the battle wears out his batteries, and there is no place for him to recharge.
A new villain named Killer Moth breeds an army of insects and unleashes them on the town. However, he promises not to destroy the city only if Robin will take his daughter Kitten to her prom at a party cruise. Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy scope out Killer Moth’s lair, while a jealous Starfire attends […]
The Titans send Cyborg undercover as Stone to investigate the HIVE’s newest plan. Cyborg finds out that a new headmaster, Brother Blood, is now in charge of the academy. The plan becomes compromised as Cyborg grows fond of the popularity he has attained amongst the students and the return to his human self.
A mysterious new villain called Trident appears and starts stealing nuclear waste from ships. While on a mission to stop Trident, The Titans meet Aqualad, an aquatic hero who knows more about Trident’s plot, and his sidekick Tramm, who helps rebuild the T-Ship while the Titans search for Trident. While Starfire and Raven fawn over […]
Cinderblock breaks into a prison but is beaten there by the Titans. However, a misstep in the “sonic boom” attack knocks the Titans out and allows for Cinderblock to escape and take a quarantined Plasmus with him. Robin and Cyborg fight about who messed up, causing Cyborg to quit. Slade unleashes Plasmus on the remaining […]
The Titans discover Control Freak is out of jail and in the television, hopping from channel to channel. Using the same device, The Titans get inside the television dimension and chase after Control Freak. The chase between the Titans and Control Freak, as well as his monsters, are causing damage to the viewers brain waves. […]
Amidst a series of UFO raids on farms (with the targets being cows, to everyone’s mystification), Beast Boy wants a moped but has no money to get one of his own. Robin won’t buy him one and Cyborg won’t build one, so he gets a job at Mega Meaty Meat, a restaurant which sells nothing […]
A lonely Beast Boy goes into the city as a green dog when the rest of the team is too busy for him. He gets captured by a spaceship and played with by the alien Soto, who believes him to be his original dog. Meanwhile, the other Titans have noticed Beast Boy has gone missing, […]
The Titans defeat Control Freak at a video store and receive a scary movie free as reward. After watching the movie, the Titans are awakened by screams and find the tower under siege by mysterious monsters similar to those in the movie, with Raven unable to use her powers. One by one the Titans are […]
Slade, a mysterious villain, enlists a trio of H.I.V.E. Academy cadets to destroy the Titans. The H.I.V.E. win the initial battle, knocking Robin into a sewer, and later manage to take over Titans Tower. With the Titans now exiled from their home, Robin returns with a plan, and the Titans go on to defeat the […]
As the Teen Titans are away dealing with the Brotherhood of Evil, the Titans East come to Jump City to watch over, but they have some trouble gaining acceptance among the public. Meanwhile, Control Freak escapes from prison, ready to face off against the Teen Titans with a series of challenges designed specifically for them, […]
Beast Boy tries to prank Cyborg, but Starfire is accidentally targeted. She stops talking to him as a result. Meanwhile, the Titans deal with a duo known as Thunder and Lightning, whose version of having fun is causing chaos among the city. The duo is approached by a mystic sage, who teaches them how to […]