Teen Titans
Robin is bothered by Larry, his double from a different dimension, who appears after Robin breaks his arm. While wrestling with Larry, Robin breaks Larry’s magical finger, causing the city to become distorted. Villain Johnny Rancid takes advantage of the chaos and transforms into a darker version of himself.
The episode tells the origins of the Teen Titans. During the episode, Starfire escapes capture from Gordanian and lands on Earth, causing mayhem for the town. Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg arrive to stop her. When they calm her down, the Gordanians call for Starfire’s return to be their slave or their city will […]
While the Titans face off against Cinderblock, Robin encounters Slade, who plans to cause an earthquake within the city using seismic generators. The Titans split up to find the generators, only to find nothing. After witnessing Robin fighting himself, the team become concerned that his obsession with Slade has manifested into a delusion. Despite capturing […]
Raven is tasked with bringing three young superheroes – Melvin, Timmy Tantrum, and Teether – to a monastery while avoiding interference from Monsieur Mallah. The task proves difficult as Raven’s patience with the kids’ tantrums is tested.
The Doom Patrol, Beast Boy’s former teammates, have been captured and Beast Boy and the Titans have to find them. Later, they discover that the Doom Patrol have been taken captive by their worst enemies, the Brotherhood of Evil.
The Doom Patrol, now free, get Beast Boy to rejoin the team on their hunt for the Brotherhood of Evil while refusing the Titans’ help. While on their mission, each of the Doom Patrol are worn out by the villains of Brotherhood of Evil. Beast Boy and Mento, the last remaining members, infiltrate the Brotherhood’s […]
Starfire is trying to commemorate the Tamaranian holiday Blorthog, a festival of friendship, but is disheartened at the sight of the rest of the team’s constant fighting instead of listening to her. When Warp, a villain from the future, comes back in time to steal an antique, Starfire follows Warp as he prepares to jump […]
During a fight against a new and improved Dr. Light in the Arctic Circle, the Teen Titans fall through a layer of ice. They find themselves in a jungle where they discover two new superheroes — Kole, and her caveman sidekick, Gnarrk, who invite to their place for nourishment. However, Doctor Light discovers them too […]
While the Titans are away, the H.I.V.E. Five cause panic in the city, committing various crimes. However, Kid Flash interrupts their crime spree before being captured.
Mysteriously ambushed and knocked out cold, the Titans wake to find themselves in the hands of Mad Mod, a British villain disgruntled by the Titans’ interference in other villains’ business. Separated from each other, the Titans make their way back to each other one by one while dealing with robots and optical illusions. They catch […]
While Robin is away checking on leads about Slade, the rest of the Titans deal with a new villain, Red X, who takes them down with ease. Red X tries forming a partnership with Slade, but is tasked with retrieving two other computer chips. Starfire discovers that Robin has not been true about his work. […]
Summoned through an enchanted pie delivered to the Tower, Mother Mae-Eye manages to induce mind-control over all the Titans, mentally regressing them into obedient, sweet “children” who regard her as their mother. When Starfire is accidentally knocked out of the villain’s mind-control during a mission against the H.I.V.E. Five, she realizes the truth behind Mother […]
During a battle with Dr. Light, Raven loses control of her powers, which makes the Titans worried. Later, Beast Boy and Cyborg goes to Raven’s room to apologize, but knock her door down, and Beast Boy discovers a strange-looking mirror, which sucks him and Cyborg into alternate realm where they meet various Emoticlones, the different […]
When Cyborg beats Atlas, a self-proclaimed full robot, in an online video game, he challenges Cyborg to a real, physical fight. Due to the limits on his strength while Atlas has none, Cyborg loses to Atlas. Atlas then kidnaps Robin, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy as his prize and challenges Cyborg to a rematch where […]
Cyborg installs a new computer chip into his circuits, greatly strengthening and increasing his speed and efficiency eight times over. But when a multiplying metahuman, Billy Numerous, appears on the scene, Cyborg may give up a lot to try and catch him.
During the 4th of July celebrations, Mad Mod transforms the city into Britain, steals Robin’s youth using his cane, and captures him. After facing off against Mad Mod’s minions, the Titans go underground and regroup. Struggling to decide on a plan, each of the Titans carry out their own plan to no avail. Deciding to […]
When Ding Dong Daddy steals a briefcase containing Robin’s most prized possession, Robin races him to get it back, with the rest of the Titans and a host of villains joining in.
Blackfire, Starfire’s older sister, comes for a visit and quickly ingratiates herself among the Titans. Feeling left out, Starfire decides to leave the Titans before being kidnapped by drones sent from Centauri to arrest Blackfire for stealing. Discovering that her sister tried to have her take the blame, Starfire tracks down Blackfire and has her […]
While the Teen Titans are fighting a mysterious creature in Russia, Starfire searches for the monster everywhere by herself and gets lost in a blinding snowstorm. Starfire is rescued by a young radioactive soldier named Red Star, who hides away in a battle shelter to prevent his power from harming others. When the rest of […]
Raven, feeling alone and isolated from the team, bonds with Malchior, a wizard trapped in her book. Wanting to be more powerful, Raven learns spells from the wizard while growing closer to him. When put to the test, the powers become more than she can handle and Raven realizes that Malchior is not who she […]
When being attacked by an alien in outer space, the Titans inadvertently split the T-Ship apart. Stranded and separated on several different areas of an alien planet, the Titans must now find each other again. Beast Boy displays a bad hand in technological skills, even with simplified instructions from Cyborg, Raven is being followed around […]
The Titans receive a package containing puppets modeled after themselves. The Puppet King uses the puppets to trap the souls of Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy and takes control of their bodies. While trying to do the same to Raven and Starfire, Raven uses her powers to stop him, causing their souls to switch into […]
The Titans meet Terra, a teenage girl with the elemental ability to mentally control, manipulate and reshape the earthly materials around her, and invite her to stay with the Titans, much to Beast Boy’s delight. A seemingly great addition to the team, Terra later confesses to Beast Boy about her inability to control her strong […]
Following a battle that ends with a bath in chemicals, Beast Boy begins exhibiting aggressive behavior, much to the other Titans’ concern. Their worries grow when Beast Boy and Raven go M.I.A. and are found with Raven hanging from Beast Boy’s mouth.