The Batman
Bruce Wayne suffers amnesia when fighting against Penguin, forgetting his role as Batman, and leaving him able to continue his crime spree. Barbara, who suspects he is Batman but later believes she is mistaken, tries to stop Penguin but is soon captured. With Batgirl in trouble, Alfred decides it’s essential for Bruce to relearn his […]
After he is captured once again, Arnold Wesker is released from Arkham when Dr. Hugo Strange “cures” him by removing Scarface from him, allowing the former criminal to use his ventriloquism to start a new career as a children’s entertainer. Batman is initially suspicious of this, but gives Arnold the benefit of the doubt, unaware […]
After a young circus performer named Richard Grayson loses his parents to a criminal named Tony Zucco, Bruce adopts the boy, since he knows what it feels like to lose his family. Batman then sets out to bring Mr. and Mrs. Grayson’s killer to justice. Once Bruce’s secret is revealed, Richard joins Batman as his […]
Batman and Robin team up with Flash to thwart Mirror Master’s plans to trap everyone in their own mirror image.
A thousand years into the possible future, the citizens of new Gotham must uncover the history of Batman in order to stop a new-and-improved Mr. Freeze. This episode is partly inspired by Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns and by Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia (play).
A trio of college misfits use stolen mutagens from Doctor Kirk Langstrom to mutate themselves into human-animal forms and get revenge on those who have scorned them.
Barbara Gordon recounts the story of how she became the Batgirl. In the first part, Barbara recalls how she and her friend, Pamela Isley, led protests against corporations for environmental damage they caused, much to her father’s displeasure. Unbeknown to her or Batman, Pamela is the brains behind a string of attacks against these corporations […]
Continuing her story, Barbara recalls how Pamela’s chemical accident during the fight between Temblor and Batman, caused her body to mutate and give her power over plants and spores that can mind-control men. Becoming Poison Ivy, she soon continues her attacks against waste-dumping corporations, but when she kidnaps Commissioner Gordon and places Batman under her […]
Penguin, angered at being unable to recover his family’s fortunes thanks to Batman and Alfred, decides to get back at Bruce Wayne’s luck by breaking into his mansion and stealing everything valuable there, while he is being made the subject of a television magazine show’s segment, “Day in the Life”. When Alfred is taken hostage […]
Batman and Batgirl find themselves dealing with new trouble from Joker, when he manages to get a hold of Bane’s Venom Infusion system in order to become a true comedy “powerhouse”. With his new-found strength, Joker’s latest crime spree seems unstoppable, especially when Batgirl accidentally causes Batman to be captured when she borrows his power […]
A spate of thefts involving vultures, owls and crows that steal jewels, leaves Batman determined to discover who the culprit is. He soon learns that the culprit is Oswald Cobblepot (aka Penguin), a socialite whom Alfred’s grandfather worked for, and who gatecrashes a party being hosted by Bruce Wayne. As Batman tries to apprehend him, […]
Cosmo Krank seemed to be an ingenious toymaker, but all of his creations were dangerous for kids to use, leading to Bruce and Wayne Industries shutting his company down. However, Bruce soon finds himself the target of the toymaker, who seeks revenge by killing him with newer, diabolical versions of his toys. Knowing that Batman […]
After Ethan Bennett foils one of Joker’s plans, he plans to prove himself to Batman by turning a new leaf. Meanwhile, has-been actor Basil Karlo steals the mutagen responsible for mutating Bennett and becomes the new Clayface. Batman is unsure if he can trust Ethan enough to let him help stop Karlo.
Batman discovers that Firefly and Mr. Freeze have teamed up to steal several pieces of technology across the city, including from Wayne Enterprises. It soon becomes clear that Mr. Freeze plans to ensure the Winter that the city is enduring is a permanent season when he sets about using the technology and the Gotham’s heating […]
When Gotham’s police and government officials, including Mayor Grange and Commissioner Gordon, enact strange, new laws, Barbara discovers that the cause is a mysterious plant that they all received. Batman and Batgirl soon discover that Poison Ivy is responsible and that she has replaced the officials with plant-based copies, leading the pair to stop her […]
A new villain emerges in the form of D.A.V.E. (Digitally Advanced Villain Emulator), an AI database created by Hugo Strange that is encoded with the minds of Gotham’s greatest criminals and breaks free to commit crimes. Batman finds himself trying to stop D.A.V.E., when the AI proclaims itself as the ultimate criminal and plans to […]
It’s Halloween night, yet there are real scares in store when Solomon Grundy, a zombie legend of Gotham, comes to life and begins going after the descendants of those who founded the city, robbing them and destroying everything they own. As Batman and Alfred try to stop him, it soon becomes clear that Grundy is […]
Gotham citizens are bursting into hysterical laughter and dumping their stolen goods into the river, putting Batman, Robin and Batgirl onto the trail of The Joker, who is using a steam train to commit his new crime wave.
Joker takes over the airwaves of Gotham with an unlicensed TV channel, in order to broadcast his crimes to the people of the city. After Mayor Grange is captured to be his first “co-star”, Yin’s overzealous new partner, Detective Cash Tankinson, becomes his next target. Batman soon finds himself trying to track the hostages down […]
The super-powered members of the Justice League begin disappearing one by one. Only Batman, Robin, and Green Arrow are left to investigate and discover that their old enemies and The Joining are involved.
The heroes fight their android counterparts to recover the Justice League’s powers, while Hugo Strange prepares for The Joinings’ final assault on Earth.
After Batman captures Ethan Bennett when he breaks into Arkham Asylum to get revenge on Joker, allowing the clown criminal to escape, Bruce, Yin and Dr. Hugo Strange testify on his behalf when he goes on trial for his crimes as Clayface. Bennett is delighted to be released on probation and given a job at […]
As a way to settle a dispute over who will claim Gotham, Joker, Penguin and Riddler have a contest to see who can capture Batman and discover his true identity. While Batman prepares to stop all three, his ally in the police force is compromised when Rojas discovers that Yin has been helping him. Soon […]
Batman is confused why Penguin stole a sonic device that controls bats, unaware that he wanted a sonic device to give him control of a large, rare condor. For Penguin, he gets more than he bargains for when the device he stole brings him Man-Bat who he soon discovers is under his control. As Batman […]