The Looney Tunes Show
Daffy tries to prepare Gossamer for a school talent show to help him make friends per request of his mother, Witch Lezah. Meanwhile, Bugs becomes an instant celebrity when he stars in Speedy’s frozen pizza commercial, which starts to get annoying when people relentlessly keep badgering him to say his quote from the commercial – […]
Daffy enters a hot dog-eating contest while Bugs helps Yosemite Sam perform a stunt jumping a bus over a row of motorcycles. Daffy practices for the contest while Porky follows Daffy’s rules on how to stay cool with Petunia (who Porky met in the previous episode). Bugs attempts to soothe his rapidly beating heart when […]
Porky and Bugs decide to start a business together selling carrot cake to capitalize on Porky’s fine cooking skills and Bugs’ acute gardening skills. Foghorn Leghorn then convinces them into signing on with a big-brand company, but Bugs and Porky end up arguing on the name and marketing of the cake. Daffy attempts to become […]
Daffy’s morning newspaper seems to be missing, so he concludes there’s a thief in the neighborhood—just hours before he and Bugs host a dinner party for their neighbors (in an attempt to prevent them from suing him for Daffy’s antics). When Granny, Witch Lezah, Yosemite Sam and Gossamer arrive, Daffy won’t let the matter die […]
Daffy goes to see his idol Steve St. James, a character on Off Duty Cop played by Leslie Hunt. After meeting Hunt and realizing his character isn’t real, Daffy pretends to be Steve St. James and starts “arresting” innocent people for supposed crimes by handcuffing them with Porky acting as Daffy’s chauffeur (which the chauffeur […]
While at the mall, Daffy ends up trying to get an ice cream store lady to use the tips to pay for the sundae which doesn’t go well. Daffy later learns that Bugs earns his money from an invention he made called the Carrot Peeler. After learning this fact, Daffy decides that a good invention […]
While helping Porky set up an online profile, Bugs thinks that Granny is lonely due to her living with just Sylvester and Tweety. So Bugs and Daffy take her out to entertain her in various ways. Meanwhile, Sylvester becomes obsessed with a Laser Pointer toy which causes him problems when he tries to get the […]
Bugs loses his gloves and thinks he’s lost his identity, so he goes in search of a replacement only to discover they just don’t sell white gloves for men anymore, so he buys a pair of biker gloves and begins to take on the personality of a biker. Daffy, after learning the embarrassing definition of […]
Bugs helps Daffy try to better himself before his class reunion, but they eventually decide that Daffy should just lie about his life so far in order to impress his former classmates. But Daffy fibs soon become excessive, including him bragging how he’s an astronaut to an actor to the president of Mexico, which spreads […]
After accidentally getting shipped to Alaska by Yosemite Sam, Taz, Tweety, and Sylvester join forces on an epic journey home. They end up being tracked by a tracker named Blacque Jacque Shellacque.
In order to get out of going to the Peach Festival with Porky, Bugs tells a lie that gets out of hand when Lola starts believing it and ends with Daffy joining the Marines, which Daffy erroneously thinks is a group that views marine life. Bugs poses as his sister, Viola, and boards a plane […]
After misunderstanding the metaphor “spread your wings and fly” at a self-help seminar held by Wieb Lunk, Daffy is inspired learn how to fly. Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam end up in a feud when they both suspect each other of stealing each other’s stuff.
Bugs Bunny recaps the time on how Speedy Gonzalez started his Pizzarriba restaurant. It started on the day a pizza restaurant named Girardi’s closed down when Mr. Girardi made his fortune and retired. Bugs Bunny takes action by buying the restaurant and ends up getting help from Daffy, Porky, Marvin the Martian, and Pete Puma. […]
While Daffy tries to steal Bugs’ stuff to pay for a present for Tina, Bugs tells him the story about Super Rabbit (Bugs’ version of Superman) and his battle with Brainiac (Marvin the Martian), Lex Luthor (Elmer Fudd) and Kryptonian criminals General Zod (Daffy Duck), Faora, and Thunkian (a robot with “the intellect and personality […]
Tina enlists Daffy to babysit her nephew. Meanwhile, Bugs learns why Daffy calls Porky a bummer when Porky falls for every upsell that is offered to him, and what’s worse is that Porky doesn’t know the difference between an upsale and a good offer.
Daffy wants to go on spring break for fun and drags a reluctant Porky along, only to end up in a sleepy Mexican town. Lola loses her mother’s bracelet and uses a movie persona to fake that someone stole it. She and Bugs find out that Lola was wearing it on her ankle the entire […]
After his parade float is destroyed when he takes it to the car wash, Daffy cons Porky out of all his savings and splurges mercilessly in order to obtain a yacht to replace the float, and when he finds out, Porky fights with Daffy as the yacht ends up drifting away from shore with Bugs […]
Daffy ends up portraying Foghorn Leghorn in a film, but fails miserably ending up in a quarrel. Bugs and Yosemite Sam find a vase buried in the backyard, which Sam thinks does something (due to his stupidity) as Bugs says it could be interesting. It does turn up to be worth one million dollars, but […]
After a choking experience at Pizzariba’s all-you-can-eat buffet, Daffy takes piano lessons from Granny prompting Bugs to get noise-cancelling headphones while getting a new TV to replace the one that Daffy sold to get his piano. Soon, Bugs realizes they come in handy for more than just blocking out Daffy’s playing when it comes to […]
After Bugs leaves Daffy and Porky at Pizzaribba to do an urgent issue, Daffy must stay at Porky’s house, due to Daffy not having the keys to Bugs’s house. Porky is reluctant on letting Daffy go with him to his house, as he is making birthday surprises for Daffy’s birthday, which is to be taken […]
Bugs Bunny seeks to add a place for his Nobel Prize and plans to put up the shelf himself and refuses any help thinking he’s capable of doing it himself because of his pride of winning a prestigious prize, but ends up destroying the house as a result. Because of an incident where Bugs accidentally […]
Bugs replaces Daffy’s broken recliner with a new one much to the objection of Daffy due to the recliner being his only possession. Bugs and Daffy have a run-in with Cecil Turtle where they discover that they got his shell cracked. While helping Cecil, Bugs discovers that Cecil has been scamming people by pretending to […]
In an attempt to keep his supposed “place” in his group of friends, Daffy competes with Porky in a marathon. Daffy ends up being trained by Speedy Gonzales. Meanwhile, Yosemite Sam is determined to repay Bugs for saving his life and temporarily forgets about getting his guns back. After eating a large breakfast, Daffy can’t […]
Daffy is attempting to win a bowling tournament with Porky, Marvin and Pete against his high school rival Terry Delgado. But when Bugs shows up the others favor him over Daffy, which causes Daffy to reveal that being the leader is the only way he has esteem. But after Porky gets injured by Daffy using […]